Slot 中文
Slot 中文 Average ratng: 6,1/10 6563 reviews
[...] [...] scheduled for 3 June 2003 at 10:45 am was cancelled in order to avoid clashing with an additional Finance Committee meeting scheduled to be held within the sametime slot. | 會後補註:原 定於2003年 6月 3日 上午10時 45分 舉 行的會議已告取消,以免 與 財務委員會在同 一 時段額外舉行的會議撞期。 |
In the past few years, the practice of the Committee has been to provideatime slotfor its public informal meeting with non-governmental organizations in its agenda on [...] [...] the first day of the first and second week of each session. | 委员会在过去几年中的 做法是,在每届会议第一周和第二周的第一天议程中提供一个时间段与非政府组 织进行公开非正式会议。 |
As there was no availabletime slotin the coming few weeks which would not clash with another meeting, the special meeting had been so scheduled even though it had to clash with [...] [...] | 由於未來數星期並無任何不與另一會議撞期的 可用時段,該次特別會議安排了在上述時間舉行, 即使會與保安事務委員會的會議撞期。 |
(b) To enable Members to participate in all meetings of the [...] [...] committees (including standing committees, panels, bills committees, subcommittees and select committees etc.) which they have joined, efforts should be made as far as practicable to avoid scheduling two meetings within the sametime slot. | (b) 為 使 議員可 出席所加入 的委員會( 指常設 委員會、事務委員 會、法案委員會、小組委員會及專責委員會等等) 的所有會 議,應盡量 避免編排兩個 會議在同一 時段內 行。 |
Concurrent user capacity is mainly limited by scheduling signaling and traffic channel resources, in multi-cell simulation loading environment, by [...] [...] 20MHz, 2:2 DL/ULtime slotallocation and specialtime slotallocation of [...]10:2:2, each cell can support [...]200 terminals to be on-line at the same time, with downlink throughput being kept above 100kbps and uplink throughput above 50kps. | [...] 20MHz 带宽的 TD-LTE 系统、2:2 的下行与上行 时隙比例和 10:2:2 的特殊时隙配比,每个小区可支持 200 个终端 同时在线,且下行吞吐量均保持在 [...] 100kbps 以上,上行吞吐量均保持 在 50kbps 以上。 |
According to this established venue hiring policy, if different hirers bid for the same venue or the sametime slot,the LCSD will set the priority of use in accordance with a points system, and the factors to be considered will include whether the activity to be held is arts-related, whether it is valuable to the promotion [...] | 按 照 這 套既定的場 地 租 用 政 策 , 如 果 同 一場地 或 檔 期有不同 的 租 用 人 相競租 用 , 康 樂文化署便 會按 照 計 分制度 來決定 優 先 次序, 考慮因 素 包括 所 舉辦的 活 動 是 否與藝 術 有關, 以 及是否 具推廣 藝 術 的 價 值 等 。 |
[...] station situated in a prison, the elector has to return to cast his vote within the existing or newly assignedtime slot. | 至 於在監獄設立的專用投票站,選民必須在現有或重新獲編 配的時段內返回投票站投票。 |
[...] Chairman of the Panel on Welfare Services, said that the meeting of the Panel to be held on 14 March 2005 from 11:30 am to 12:45 pm could be re-scheduled, so as to release thetime slotfor the special meeting of the House Committee. | 福利事務委員會副主席張超雄議員表示, 該 事務委員會定於 2005年 3 月 14日 上 午 11時 30分 至 下 午 12時 45分 舉行的會議可 以改期 ,以便騰出 時段 舉行內務委員會特別會議。 |
(Post-meeting note : The meeting scheduled for Friday, 23 May 2003 had been cancelled in order to release thetime slotfor the Bills Committee on Revenue Bill 2003. | (會 後補註:原 定於2003年 5月 23日 (星 期 五 )舉行 的會議其後已取消,以騰出該時段予《2003年 收入條例草案》 委員會。 |
[...] as practicable, assign to an elector of a dedicated polling station situated in a prison a newtime slotduring the polling hours appointed for the polling station and notify the elector of thetime slot. | (b) 懲教署署長必須在切實可行的範圍內,就該設於 監獄的投票站所指定的投票時間的其中一段新的 時段,編配予該選民,並將該段新的時段 通 知該 選民。 |
SG added that this would be the onlytime slotavailable for that purpose. | 秘 書長補充,這會是唯一一個可作此用途的時段。 |
When testing user service plane delay by adopting TD-LTE system with [...] 20MHz, 2:2 DL/ULtime slotallocation and [...] [...]the transmission delay required for small data packet returning to terminal after being sent to application server of network end from terminal is averagely 20-30ms, which is basically in line with the expectation. | [...] 系统, 采用 2:2 的下行与上行时隙比例配置,采用 ping 包的方式测试数据 [...] 用户业务面时延,小数据包从终端发送到网络端的应用服务器,然后 再返回终端所需传输时延平均为 [...] |
The number of students participating off-campus activities will be increased next year, and [...] [...] administrative measures, such as rescheduling and arranging thetime slotof the school buses, may be implemented to encourage students to [...] [...] | 來年可增加參與校外比賽的人次,並透過調動時間表,安排校巴等行政支援鼓勵 學生多參與課外活動。 |
Based on her past experience, meetings of PWSC could normally finish its business within a two-hourtime slot. | 根 據她的經驗,工務小組委員會會議通常可在兩小時 的時段內完成處理議程事項。 |
[...] that to provide more time to deal with the unfinished business, the Secretariat had proposed an additionaltime slotfor continuation of the Council meeting of 4 July 2012, i.e. 10 July 2012 from 2:30 pm to 10:00 pm. | 秘書長補充,為 提供更多時間處理未完事項,秘書處已建議加 設一個額外時段,即2012年 7月 10日下午2時 30 分至晚上10時,以繼續進行2012年 7月 4日的立 法會會議。 |
Mr CHEUNG Man-kwong urged Members belonging to DAB to [...] [...] holding Council meetings at 11:00 am instead of 10:00 am, so that thetime slotof 8:30 am to 10:45 am on Wednesdays could be used for PWSC or ESC [...]meetings. | 張文光議員促請民建聯的議員同意民主黨 的建議,即立法會會議在上午11時而非上午10 時開 始舉行,以便星期三上午8時 30分至10時 45分的時段 可用來舉行工務小組委員會或人事編 制小 組委 員會 會議。 |
[...] will assignatime slotduring the polling hours of a dedicated polling station situated in a penal institution to an elector allocated to that polling station to vote, and inform the elector of thetime slotassigned. | 懲教署署長會就懲教院所 內的專用投票站,將投票時間的其中某時段,編配予獲分 配該投票站的選民投票,並通知有 關選 民 獲 編配 的 時段。 |
Perhaps it is because I did not have enough time to communicate with [...] Honourable colleagues for I must submit the finalized wording within 24 hours after [...] I was givenatime slotto move this motion. | [...] 時 內 提交議案 定 稿 , 故 此沒有 足 夠 時間與同事 溝通所致 。 |
As there was no other mutually agreeabletime sloton 23 April 2010 and during the week that followed, the President had determined, in accordance with Rule 14(3) of the Rules of Procedure, that the CE Q&A Session scheduled for Friday, 23 April 2010, from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm be re-scheduled to the same time on Thursday, 6 May 2010, as suggested by the CE’s Office. | 由於 在 2010年 4 月 23日及接下來的一星期內並未有雙 方同意的其他時段,立法會主席已一如行政長官辦 公室所建議,決定按照《議事規則》第14(3)條, 把原定於2010年 4月 23日 (星期五)下午3 時至4 時 30分舉行的行政長官答問會改於2010年 5月 6 日 (星期四)同樣時間舉行。 |
[...] suggested that unless under exceptional circumstances, not more than two meetings should be scheduled for the sametime slot. | 吳靄儀議員建 議 ,除非屬例外 情況,否 則 在同一時段內 不應編 排 超 過 兩 個 會議。 |
In many cases, United Nations bodies merely took note of reports, while some participating [...] [...] review several reports within a brieftime slot,which did not allow for in-depth discussion [...]or decision-making. | 许多时候,联合国的机构只表示 注意到报告,有些参加组织往往在 短促 的 时限 内 审查 几份报告,不容许进行深入讨论或 做出决定。 |
Instead, what happened was that the British Broadcasting Corporation established a Community Programme Unit which researched into stories of local concern, and often with input from individual [...] [...] mainly of a documentary type that were broadcast weekly at a particulartime slot. | [...] 立得那麼早,但英國廣播公司成立了㆒個社區節目組,深入探討社區受㆟關注的問 題,並不時加入個別市民提供的資料,製作 以 紀錄片為 主的 節目,每星期在某㆒特 定時段內播放㆒次。 |
Mr NG, however, expressed concern that a special FA Panel meeting could not be arranged within a short time as there might be problems with the availability of meetingtime slotand quorum. | 不過,吳 議員關注到,財經事務委員會未必可以在短時間內 安排一次特別會議,因為是否有開會時段及足夠法 定人數出席會議,均可能是問題。 |
During eachtime sloton the polling [...] day, correctional officers will make use of the public address system or go to the [...]workshop or dayroom of the respective voters in custody to inform them that they can go to the polling station set up in the institution to cast their votes. | 在選舉當 日,懲教人員會在每個投票時段 透過廣播系統,或親身到有關在囚人士 [...] |
[...] downlink peak rate of [...] TD-LTE system with 20MHz, 2:2 DL/ULtime slotallocation and Level 3 terminal can reach 60Mbps, and 19Mbps for uplink peak rate; In case of 3:1time slotallocation, the downlink peak [...] [...]can reach 80Mbps and 8Mbps respectively. | 在规模试验外场环境中,20MHz 带宽的 TD-LTE 系统,采用 2:2 的下行与上行时隙比例配置,采用等级 3 的终端,下行峰值速率可达 到 60Mbps,上行峰值速率可达到 19Mbps;在 3:1 时隙配比的时候, 下行和上行峰值速率可分别达到 80Mbps 和 8Mbps。 |
To speed up the Committee's deliberation work, members also agreed to hold doubletime-slotmeetings from 8:30 am to 12:45 pm on 14, 21 and 28 April 2004 and 5, 12, and 19 May 2004. | 為加快 委員會的審議工作,委員又 同意在2004年 4月 14日、21日 及 28日、2004年 5 月 5 日、12日及19日 舉 行 每 次 兩個時段 的會議,時 間 由 上 午 8時 30分 至 下 午 12時 45分。 |
[...] appointment from onetime slotto another, or even from one day to another, they can do so by clicking on the appointment and dragging it to the desiredtime slot. | 如果想把一个设定时间的约会从 一个地点移到另一个,甚至从一天移到另一天,用户可 通过点 击约 会然后将它拖到要求的地方。 |
In network environment in which multiple cells are loading at the [...] [...] 20MHz, 2:2 DL/ULtime slotallocation, and [...]20 users are evenly distributed in the [...]tested cell, the average downlink throughput of TD-LTE cell can reach above 25Mbps, the throughput of each cell edge user is no less than 440kbps; the average uplink throughput of the cell can reach above 11Mbps, and the throughput of each cell edge user is no less than 260kbps. | [...] TD-LTE 系统 和 2:2 的下行与上行时隙比例配置,且 20 个用户在被测小区内均匀 [...] 分布,TD-LTE 小区的下行平均吞吐量可达到 25Mbps 以上,小区边缘 每用户的吞吐量不低于 [...]440kbps;小区的上行平均吞吐量可达到 11Mbps 以上,小区边缘每用户吞吐量不低于 260kbps。 |
I was scheduled to speak about the world outlook at an investment conference recently and shortly before mytime slotthe conference organizer said the audience was more interested in what I had learned over the course of my career [...] [...] | 我近期受邀要在一个投资会议上谈谈国际展望,但就在我要上台前不久,会议组织者说,比起我要谈的市场观点, 观众们更感兴趣的是我在我的职业生涯中所积累的经验教训。 |
In order to guarantee exclusive access to all Clients to the Internet connection services [...] [...] the network even intime slotswhen data traffic is particularly intense, Telecom Italia, in complying with the principle of equal opportunity, since the 1st of April 2011, during thetime slotbetween 17.00 and [...]24.00 can limit the Internet [...]connection speed (traffic shaping) to a nominal speed of 128 Kilobit per second for download and 64 Kilobit per second in upload with priority curtailment of mobile applications which involve a greater broad band consumption (i.e. peer-to-peer, file sharing), and/or on Clients that exceed 1 Gigabyte of exchanged data. | 为了确保所有客户即使在数据流量非常 大 的 时 刻依然 都可以 接 入 互联 网,并 确保 网络 的完整,从 2011 年 4 月 1 日起,意大利电信公司根据 机会均等原则, 从 17.00 至 24.00 可能将互联网接入速度(通 信流整形)限制为以下标准速率:下载 128KB/s,上传 64KB/s,并优先削减包含较大带宽消耗的移动应用(即 P2P、文件共享)和/或超过 1 GB 交换数据的客户应用。 |
A time when something can happen or is planned to happen, especially when it is one of several possible times. The show's 9pm time slot 這個節目晚上九點鐘的播出時段.
Slot翻譯:长洞口, 狭缝;(尤指)投币口,狭槽, 时间段, (为某活动安排的)时段, 被(能)放于狭槽中。了解更多。. 可輸入英文單字、中文字詞、台灣地址、計算式 按Enter重新輸入. Slots /sl'ɑts/ 共發現 3 筆關於 slots 的資料 (解釋內文之英文單字均可再點入查詢) 來源(1): pydict data pydict slots 槽 來源(2): Network. Slot n 1: a position in a grammatical linguistic construction in which a variety of alternative units are interchangeable; 'he developed a version of slot grammar' 2: a small slit (as for inserting a coin or depositing mail); 'he put a quarter in the slot' 3: a time assigned on a schedule or agenda; 'the TV program has a new time slot.
音标:[ slɔt ] 发音:
Time Slot 中文
- 'slot no'中文翻译 集装箱船积载图
- 'slot the'中文翻译 斯洛特海峡
- 'slot-in'中文翻译 吸入式
- 't slot'中文翻译 t 形槽; t形槽
- 't-slot t'中文翻译 形槽
- 'access slot'中文翻译 存取口
- 'aeration slot'中文翻译 掺气槽
- 'air slot'中文翻译 空气槽
- 'airfoil slot'中文翻译 翼缝
- 'amalienborg slot'中文翻译 阿美琳堡宫; 琳堡宫
- 'anchor slot'中文翻译 锚缝
- 'annular slot'中文翻译 环状缝隙
- 'armature slot'中文翻译 电枢槽
- 'athens slot'中文翻译 雅典古城堡
- 'automatic slot'中文翻译 自动翼缝
- 'axial slot'中文翻译 轴向隙缝
- 'backplane slot'中文翻译 底板插槽
- 'baseband slot'中文翻译 基带间隔
- 'bevelled slot'中文翻译 斜槽
- 'blowing slot'中文翻译 喷气缝口
- 'bolts for t-slot'中文翻译 型槽用螺栓
- 'bottom of slot'中文翻译 槽底
- 'breaker slot'中文翻译 装卸器上的槽
- 'buffer slot'中文翻译 缓冲槽
- 'slot (insulating) paper'中文翻译 电气导线绝缘纸,线槽绝缘纸
- 'slosson'中文翻译 斯洛森
- He picked stemware from the slotted overhead .
他从头上方橱架上取下高脚餐具。 - The bolt slotted smoothly into place .
插销很容易就插上了。 - Can we slot her into a job in the sales department ?
我们能把她安排在销售部工作吗? - She now has her own parking slot on the catwalk level .
现在,她在过街层有自己的停车点。 - She placed her card in a slot on the outside the bank .
她在银行外面把她的卡片塞进一条窄缝。 - She now has her own parking slot on the catwalk level .
现在,她在人行小道上有自己的停车点了。 - Slot this disk in .
把这张盘放进去。 - During fabrication slots for the stringers flanges were flame cut into box girders .
制造时,为安装纵梁翼缘,在箱型梁中用焰割法开槽口。 - The compliance-calibration specimen has a slot of finite-tip radius in place of a crack .
柔度算定试样是用一个有限端部半径的槽来代替裂纹。 - The linkage from the diaphragm to the chock-valve lever rides freely in a slot in the lever .
Time Slot 中文
- 更多例句: 1 2345
- a small slit (as for inserting a coin or depositing mail); 'he put a quarter in the slot'
- a slot machine that is used for gambling; 'they spend hours and hours just playing the slots'
同义词:one-armed bandit, - (computer) a socket in a microcomputer that will accept a plug-in circuit board; 'the PC had three slots for additional memory'
同义词:expansion slot, - a position in a grammatical linguistic construction in which a variety of alternative units are interchangeable; 'he developed a version of slot grammar'
- the trail of an animal (especially a deer); 'he followed the deer's slot over the soft turf to the edge of the trees'
- a position in a hierarchy or organization; 'Bob Dylan occupied the top slot for several weeks'; 'she beat some tough competition for the number one slot'
- a time assigned on a schedule or agenda; 'the TV program has a new time slot'; 'an aircraft landing slot'
同义词:time slot, - assign a time slot; 'slot a television program'
- slotとは意味:1slot n. (自動販売機 公衆電話などの)料金投入口; 細い隙間. 【動詞+】 ◆We have yet to find a good activity with which to fill this 45-minute time slot. これからこの 45 分の空き時間を埋める適当な活動を見つけなくてはならない ◆find a slot in one's schedule (何かを割り...
slot television 中文, slot man 中文, time slot 中文, slot aerial 中文, slot machine 中文, slot car 中文, slossitis medicamentosa 中文, slossitis rhomboidea mediana 中文, slossitis sclerotica 中文, slossitis venenata 中文, slosson 中文, slot (insulating) paper 中文, slot aileron 中文, slot allow for prewrapping of bundless 中文, slot and crank 中文,
Slot 翻译
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