Plo Hand Rankings
Starting hands in Pot-Limit Omaha are grouped by structure. With so many possible 4-card combinations it is actually the suits, closeness of the cards and pairs as well as the high card strength that makes the difference between a strong starting hand and a weak one. Add to this the fact that seemingly insignificant differences – for example a gap at the top end of your connected middle cards compared to a gap at the bottom end – make a huge difference and it is difficult to come up with some simple ‘cut off point’ between good and poor hands in the same way we do in Holdem.
- Pot Limit Omaha Poker Hand ranking Royal Flush. A royal flush is an ace high straight flush. Five cards of the same suit in numerical order. Four of a Kind (Quads). Quads are four cards of equal rank/any suit. Full House or Full Boat. Three of a kind and a Pair. Five cards of the.
- Even the best PLO books can not cover this many hand combinations in their recommendations. This is compared to only 169 starting hands in Texas Hold'em, or 2,652 if we include the suits. Omaha has 100x more starting hand combinations than Texas Hold'em, and, therefore, starting hand charts like the top 30 below can't be used as a strict guide.
- Powerhouse Omaha/8 Starting Hands. This is my favourite starting hand in Omaha/8 since it gives top pair, two nut flush draws and a great draw to the nut low including counterfeit protection. Counterfeit protection means that if an ace, deuce or trey hits the board you still have the two best low cards to.

Of course, many players new to Omaha look for a PLO starting hand chart first – these are common in Holdem, so why not for Omaha!
I am happy to be publishing a contribution from a reader today, the following Omaha starting hands chart was put together by Anthony, from Ashburn VA – an Omaha fan with a genuine will to help people new to the game.

Plo Starting Hand Rankings
This chart is based on Jeff Hwang’s playing guidelines, the position and raise / fold percentages are based on deep-stacked play and full-ring tables. Adapting this for 6-max games should be straight forward enough for motivated readers, you are starting in Mid-Position compared to a full table and should be raising a lot from the cut-off and button positions.
5 Card Plo Hand Rankings
Click the graphic below to see the full chart. Your feedback is welcomed, particularly on how this could be adapted for different situations and stack sizes, mail us at [email protected] anytime.
Pot Limit Omaha Hand Rankings
The '+' indicates that all of the hands that rank above that stated hand are included. For example, '55+' includes a pair of fives, and any pair that ranks higher than that, all the way up to a.
Suggested Starting Hand Structures – based on deepstack FR games, should be adjusted for 6max
Just like to close with my thanks to Anthony for these charts – you can contact him at the following address ashburnpokerclub (at sign) gmail.comands are playable while others are not check out the following guides: